Affiliate Program

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Increase your profits: spread the word about AnyCryptoStock

AnyCryptoStock’s affiliate program makes it possible to earn money by promoting the exchange and inviting other users to join.

With AnyCryptoStock’s affiliate program you can increase your profits by earning 30% of the fees generated from the transactions of users who sign up from your referral link generated by the system.

How it works

1. Sign up

Sign up to the program, get your own referral link to share.

2. Promote AnyCryptoStock

Tell people about AnyCryptoStock and give them your link generated by the affiliate program to get new users to sign up.

3. Earn

Every time a new user signs up to AnyCryptoStock using your referral link, you earn at least 30% on the generated fees from the transactions they make and you keep earning until the 4th affiliate level. 

Up to 4 earning levels

Invite other users to join AnyCryptoStock. Introduce them to all the benefits of the system and all the advantages of the affiliate program.

AnyCryptoStock provides up to 4 levels of earnings from the affiliate system:

1st level: 30%

2nd level: 10%

3rd level: 5%

4th level: 5%.

FIRST LEVEL: Your affiliates have made transactions generating fees equal to 1,000 USxD: your profit is 30% of 1,000 USxD = 300 USxD.

SECOND LEVEL: Your affiliates join the affiliate program and bring in new members who trade generating fees equal to 2,000 USxD. Your profit is 10% of that 2,000 USxD = 200 USxD.

THIRD LEVEL: Second level affiliates also join the affiliate program and bring in new members who trade generating fees equal to 4,000 USxD. Your profit is 5% of 4,000 USxD = 200 USxD.

FOURTH LEVEL: Third level affiliates also join the affiliate program and bring in new members who trade generating fees equal to 8,000 USxD. Your profit is 5% of 8,000 USxD = 400 USxD

TOTAL: 300 USxD + 200 USxD + 200 USxD + 400 USxD = 1,100 USxD

Why promote AnyCryptoStock?

Help us spread the word about the mission of AnyCryptoStock.

AnyCryptoStock is the world’s only decentralized exchange that allows users to buy the shares of the world’s largest publicly traded companies in a tokenized version using the ERC20 standard.

AnyCryptoStock is the bridge between traditional finance and the world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

AnyCryptoStock is for everyone, no matter the budget. With AnyCryptoStock you can buy even fractions of a stock. You don’t need to invest $555 to buy a Tesla share, you can buy just a part of it, even very small. 


How does the affiliate program work?

To join the affiliate program you need to sign up. You will receive a referral link to share with whomever you want. For every user who signs up using your referral link, you can earn 30% of the fee volume generated by the operations of your affiliates. If your affiliates also sign up for the affiliate program and bring in new members, you’ll receive a reward as well. AnyCryptostock provides up to 4 levels of affiliation:

1st level: earn 30% of the fee volume generated by your affiliates;

2nd level: earn 10% of the fee volume generated by the affiliates of the 1st level users;

3rd level: earn 5% of the fee volume generated by the affiliates of the 2nd level users;

4th level: earn 5% of the fee volume generated by the affiliates of 3rd level users.

How do I get rewarded?

You will be rewarded in USxD, which will be deposited daily directly into your wallet for each trade made by your affiliates. You can use them immediately to trade, or you can exchange them for Ethereum and Bitcoin.

How much do I get rewarded?

The more users join your affiliate program thanks to your referral link and the more transactions they make, the higher the earnings, which are calculated based on the fees generated by their operations.

The fees depend on the volume of transactions. The larger the transaction, the lower the fees:

  • Transactions up to $10,000, 0.8% fee
  • Transactions from $10,000.01 to $100,000.00, 0.4% fee;
  • Transactions from $100,000.01 up to $1 million, 0.2% fee;
  • Transactions of $1 million to $10 million, 0.15% fee
  • Transactions over $10 million, 0.10% fee.

When do I get rewarded?

You will receive your rewards within 24 hours: Earnings derived from transaction fees generated by your affiliates are deposited directly into your wallet. You can use them at any time.

How can I monitor the progress of the affiliate program?

In your personal area, you can track the progress of the affiliate program by monitoring the users who sign up with your link, as well as the earnings generated from the fees of their operations.

A user referred by me signed up without using my referral link, can I consider him an affiliate?

Unfortunately not, in order for you to earn money from the affiliate program, new members must use your referral link.

A user referred by me joined the referral program using my link and deposited 1,000 USxD in his wallet. Why didn’t I receive anything?

Because earnings are generated only with transactions, depositing in the wallet is not sufficient. When your referred user starts trading you will earn money based on the fees generated from his transactions.

How are fees calculated?

The fees are calculated as follows:

  • Transactions up to 10,000 USxD: 0.8% fee
  • Transactions from 10,000.01 USxD to 100,000.00 USxD: 0.4% fee;
  • Transactions from 100,000.01 USxD up to 1 million USxD: 0.2% fee;
  • Transactions from 1 million USxD up to 10 million: 0.15% fee
  • Transactions over 10 million USxD: 0.10% fee.

Fees are calculated on monthly transactions, both maker and taker. The fee calculation resets and restarts every month.


January 2021: transaction volume of 50,000 USxD, accumulated in 3 trades conducted in the following chronological order:

  • 7,000 USxD: 0.8% fee equal to $56;
  • 8,000 USxD: 0.4% fee equal to $32;
  • 35,000 USxD: 0.4% fee equal to $140.

Why was the 0.4% fee applied in the second transaction and not 0.8%? 

Because with the second transaction the monthly volume exceeded 10,000 USxD, therefore the second rate of 0.4% applies.

February 2021: transaction volume of 500,000 USxD, accumulated in 4 transactions carried out in the following chronological order:

  • 70,000 USxD: 0.4% fee equal to 280 USxD;
  • 5,000 USxD: 0.4% fee equal to 20 USxD;
  • 125,000 USxD: 0.2% fee equal to 250 USxD
  • 300.000 USxD: 0,2% fee equal to 600 USxD

Why was the 0.4% fee applied to the second transaction of 5,000 USxD and not the 0.8% fee? 

Because with the first transaction the monthly volume of 10,000 USxD has already been exceeded, up to which a fee of 0.8% is applied. In the third transaction of 125,000 USxD the monthly volume of 100,000 USxD is exceeded, therefore a 0.2% fee is applied.

March 2021: transaction volume of 1,400,000 USxD accumulated in 2 transactions conducted in the following chronological order:

  • 1,100,000 USxD: 0.15% fee equal to 1,650 USxD
  • 300,000 USxD: 0.15% fee equal to 450 USxD

Why was the 0.15% fee applied to the second transaction of 300,000 USxD instead of 0.2%? 

Because the first transaction of 1,100,000 USxD already exceeded the monthly volume of 1,000,000 USxD required to apply the 0.15% fee.

What is my profit in relation to the fees?

Your earnings depend on the fees generated from your affiliates’ transactions, up to the 4th transaction level.

Start earning

Example 1

Level 1: A user signs up for AnyCryptoStock through your referral link and makes transactions totalling 10,000 USxD.

10,000 USxD x 0.8% fee = 80 USxD fee

30% of 80 USxD = 24 USxD profit, deposited directly into your wallet.

Example 2

Earn up to the 4th level of affiliation:

Get at least two people to sign up to AnyCryptoStock through your affiliate program.

Imagine then that each of them makes transactions with fees amounting to 1,000.00 USxD.

Then suppose that each of them joins the affiliate program by bringing in at least two people who trade generating fees amounting to 1,000.00 USxD.

Keep going until the 4th level of affiliation:

Become a professional

AnyCryptoStock’s affiliate program, with its 4 levels of earnings, allows you to make a significant return:

1st level: earn 30% of the generated fee volume

Monthly transactions equal to 1,000,000 USxD generated from the following transactions:

  • (10,000 USxD * fee 0.8%) * 30% = 24 USxD
  • (90,000 USxD * fee 0.4%) * 30% = 108 USxD
  • (900,000 USxD * fee 0.2%) * 30% = 540 USxD

Total earnings 1st level: 

24 USxD + 108 USxD + 540 USxD = 672 USxD

2nd level: earn 10% of the generated fee volume

Monthly transaction equal to 2,000,000 USxD generated from the following transactions:

  • (10,000 USxD * fee 0.8%) * 10% = 8 USxD
  • (90,000 USxD * fee 0.4%) * 10% = 36 USxD
  • (900,000 USxD * fee 0.2%) * 10% = 180 USxD
  • (1,000,000 USxD * fee 0.15%) * 10% = 150 USxD

Total earnings 2nd level

8 USxD + 36 USxD + 180 USxD + 150 USxD = 374 USxD

3rd level: earn 5% of the generated fee volume

Monthly transaction equal to 4,000,000 USxD generated by the following transactions:

  • (10,000 USxD * fee 0.8%) * 5% = 4 USxD
  • (90,000 USxD * fee 0.4%) * 5% = 18 USxD
  • (900,000 USxD * fee 0.2%) * 5% = 90 USxD
  • (3,000,000 USxD * fee 0.15%) * 5% = 225 USxD

Total earnings 3rd level

4 USxD + 18 USxD + 90 USxD + 225 USxD = 337 USxD

4th level: earn 5% of the generated fee volume

Monthly transaction equal to 8,000,000 USxD generated by the following transactions:

  • (10,000 USxD * fee 0.8%) * 5% = 4 USxD
  • (90,000 USxD * fee 0.4%) * 5% = 18 USxD
  • (900,000 USxD * fee 0.2%) * 5% = 90 USxD
  • (7,000,000 USxD * fee 0.15%) * 5% = 525 USxD

Total earnings 4th level

4 USxD + 18 USxD + 90 USxD + 525 USxD = 637 USxD

Total monthly earnings

672 USxD + 374 USxD + 337 USxD + 637 USxD = 2,020 USxD